Thursday 3 December 2015

'The Tempest' - basic plot

It starts with a ship and a storm, directed by Boatswain. Alonso says to Boatswain that he feels sick and goes downstairs. The boat, also holding Antonio (Prospero's brother), Sebastian (Alonso's brother) and Gonzalo, crashes and they end up on an island. We learn that Prospero is the one controlling the storm, after his daughter Miranda asks why, and he says it's because he wants revenge on Antonio for trying to kill him. Alonso, the king, thinks his son, Ferdinand, is dead. Caliban, can original inhabitant of the island, is angry because he wants the island back from Prospero. Ferdinand sees Miranda and it's love at first sight after he washes up onto the shore, she was supposedly hit on by Caliban before, which is why him and Prospero don't like each other. Alonso is still distraught at the fact his son is "dead", and after a search for him, Alonso sleeps. When he is sleeping, Antonio tells Sebastian to kill Alonso, so he can get the power from him, like he did with Propsero. However, Sebastian is stopped by Ariel, who has been sent by Propsero to stop this. Away from this, Caliban is hiding, and is found by the drunkards Stefano and Trinculo, who then party together. Caliban reveals that he wants to kill Prospero and he asks if they want to be in the on the plan, to which they agree. Alonso, Sebastian, Antonio and Gonzalo are searching for Ferdinand, where they are punished by Prospero. Whilst they are feasting on a banquet, Ariel appears as a Harpy, to which they become frightened and afraid of his form. Elsewhere, Ferdinand asks Prospero for consent to marry his daughter, Amanda, but Prospero questions his qualities, and after this, Prospero gives his consent. Three goddesses come in and they bless the wedding. Ariel says to Prospero that he should forgive for what has happened between him and Alonso and him and Caliban. As Ariel isn't even human, this demonstrates Prospero's lack of compassion for them. After they meet, he and Alonso apologise to each other and Alonso finds out his son isn't dead. In the background, Ferdinand and Miranda are on a date playing chess. Stefano and Trinculo are embarrassed by their drunk antics, to agree to help try and kill Prospero, but they are dismissed. Caliban and Prospero settle their differences, even though Caliban is quite dismissive of Propsero's apology. At the end, Prospero reflects on everything in his life, questioning his mortality and now his daughter has married, she is the next generation of human life. 

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