Tuesday 8 December 2015

Music in The Tempest

The music in The Tempest is said to be symbolic; but what it is symbolic of is not definite. It could reflect either reflect the grief, the memory/subconsciousness, turbulence or creation. The use of music could be Shakespeare suggesting that it it soothing of the soul and it creates a newness that language can not create.

Ariel's song analysis

The language in Ariel's song has a big effect on the reader, and the use of Shakespeare's language is quite taunting and soothing at the same time. The alliteration with 'Full fathom five thy father lies', the soft sounds at the beginning of the words is quite lulling and dreamlike which brings around a soothing nature. The rhyme and rhythm is regular, which is reassuring and comforting, and in this case, after Ferdinand's loss, it could be his build up of hope to find his father again. However, you could argue that it is taunting; that is a build up to something negative happening. The use of personification symbolises change with 'those are pearls that were his eyes.' This gives all the power to the sea, and it shows how nature can change you, dismissing the Great Chain of Bring theory. 

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